This web site is a gift from the children, in-laws, and
grandchildren of Mrs Gwen MacLaren to our ‘earthly mother’
who sadly dies on the 6th March 2015, and in
dedication to our heavenly mother, Maria Rosa Mystica. Gwen
dedicated her life to her family and Our Lady and blessed
Lord. For over 25 year she devoted herself to the apostolate
of Rosa Mystica and took over the Apostolate of Rosa Mystica
in the UK to spread the devotion of Our Lady Rosa Mystica
and as such has paid numerous visits to her shrine.
In addition, she organises and attends (when her health
allows her to do so) masses and blessings of the statues
dedicated to Rosa Mystica in Wigan (UK) on appropriate
Saturdays throughout the year. The many statues that have
been blessed at these masses have found their way throughout
the world as pilgrim statues and can be found on all
continents thanks to Gwen’s dedication including Mother
Theresa in Calcutta and Mother Angelica in the USA.
We hope that this site, as it develops, will bring
enlightenment and enrichment to many lives, and also provide
an opportunity for you to share with us your stories and
pictures of your life with our Blessed Lady. Please do be
aware that we must vet all stories and pictures before they
appear on this site as we do not want unsolicited
inappropriate material to be allowed here. Consequently
there may be some time lag between your comments, stories
etc and their actual appearance. Please bear with us as we
cannot work full time at the present.
Our Lady, Rosa Mystica, Pray for us. |